Friday, April 8, 2011

Winners from Latest GiVeAwAy!!!!

40 Comments!!!!!!! Love to you all!!!! The winners are:


Jodie Lee (kind of hard not to win, you were entered quite a few times!! ;)

and ...

Russ and Kylee!

But don't fret if you did not win. I run monthly giveaways of the book so be sure to visit from time to time! I thank all of you for your enthusiasm and for entering. Remember, you can always go to your local library and request that they order a copy for the branch. Always a good way to read a book, and then share it with others!!!

Thanks to all of you, I so appreciate you coming here to read!!!! ~Kelsey


Russ and Kylee said...

Kelsey, Thanks SO much for this awesome book! We LOVE it! When we adopt, we plan on reading it often to our baby so that he/she can know just how much their birth parents love them and how they made the decision to place them for adoption.

Also, we loved having you come to our area conference! You did an incredible job presenting and we loved your stories. You have such great wisdom and understanding of all sides of the adoption triad. Thanks for taking the time to come and share your love for adoption with us!