Monday, March 12, 2012

Meet Jane

I have been waiting for March for quite sometime. Usually, I hate March. It is the month that holds the anniversary of my mother's death, and that is still a difficult thing for me to come to terms with. Yes, it has been 12 years since she passed, but believe you me ... I miss her every single day.

However, I think this March will be quite different from any before it. This month will mark the debut of a new online magazine called I have an interest in it because the creator of this new publication contacted me in December asking if I would like to be a contributor. WOULD I!!!! So I began to submit articles for her, including an article for her blog so she could introduce me to her readers.

Jane Ballback is an adoptive mother who has spent most of her children's lives educating herself on the ins and outs of adoption. She came up with the idea for the magazine after her retirement when she began to meet more and more people in the adoption world. Her attitude is infectious. Her knowledge is vast. Her commitment to hearing ALL sides of the triad is unmatched. Not to mention, she is one of the most genuine women I have ever had the pleasure to meet.

Her blog is called You're My Second Moma, Aren't You? and
not only does she talk about her adoption journey, she also brings to light many voices from all points of view in adoption. I have been introduced to some great writers through her blog, and her last post was something I wrote for her so she could introduce me to her readers. Thank you Jane!

So with the launch of the new magazine only weeks away, I would like to share Jane's blog and view with you. The link below will take you to the latest post, which is what I wrote for her. I encourage you to visit her site and take in some great writing not only from Jane, but also many others who write about adoption.

Relinquishing Rights: Three Children, Two Adoptions and One Courageous Mother