For those of you that are new or not aware, I am a birth mother who wrote and illustrated a book called The Best For You that explains why one birth mother chose adoption for her child. It is honest, heartfelt and unlike any other children's book about adoption.
To enter, please do one of the following, or to enter more than a couple of them!: (please make sure to leave your email address in your comment so I may contact you if you win!)
1) Leave a comment telling me what adoption means to you.
2) Become a follower of this blog then comment here that you have done so.
3) Become a follower of Kelsey's fan page on Facebook then comment here that you have done so.
4) Tweet about this giveaway and then comment that you have done so.
5) Tell a friend about the giveaway and have them enter and have them comment that you sent them (I will enter you twice if you are the informer!).
One winner will be chosen on Sunday, October 10th 11:59 p.m. PST, after I get back from the conference. I thank you all who have been following so far, and I sure do hope that I will meet some of you at the conference!!!
I like on Facebook. bkhabel at gmail dot com
I follow this blog bkhabel at gmail dot com
I'm so grateful for adoption. My brother & SIL are unable to have children. They adopted a little girl and are happy as can be.
bkhabel at gmail dot com
Adoption is how my children became a part of my family. I will be forever grateful to their birthmothers for choosing my husband and I to raise them and love them:)
would love to check out your book. We've adopted our her birthmother and are so glad we've got an open adoption. Waiting to adopt again.
Hi Kelsey! My name is Mary and I am waiting to adopt domestically. We are #20 on our agency's list, but I really hope we are chosen sooner and have an wonderful open adoption. It is great to have the perspective from a birth mother!
We have one bio son who is 7 yo now and can't wait to be a big brother. I didn't marry until my late 30's and so getting pregnant again was hard for us. My husband and I are both from large families and couldn't imagine having an only child, so adoption was the logical option. We are so excited!! And I am so incredibly thankful for mothers like you that make the ultimate sacrifice, thank you!
I liked you on fb and am glad I did...found some more great info to help prepare me if we are lucky enough to have an open adoption
I am following your blog for more great info! Thanks:)
Adoption means the world to me! I would love to read this book to my son :)
adoption to me means keeping my family together. My husband & I are in the midst of adopting our 3 gkids (ages 3, 5, & 8) we fostered them when they were removed from their mom's care because of neglect...she is my daughter. I am grateful that we'll be able to help them have a better, happier life!
I am so appreciative of adoption. It gives me & my husband a chance at raising a child that we cannot wait to include in our family! Thankful to birthmoms who are courageous and brave enough to choose adoption and not abortion for their babies. THANK YOU.
And am now a follower. Thank you for allowing us into the heart of a birthmom. Love from an adoptive mommy!
Just became a fan on FB!
Just tweeted about it! (tmclamb)
We love adoption for a number of reasons!
I am an adoptee (2nd of 5 kids) and was reunited with my birthmom (and birthdad's family) in March 2009. So awesome!
Plus, we have adopted our two beautiful boys, and currently have open adoptions with both of their birthmoms!
I'm already a follower!! Yay!
My husband and I have been on the adoption journey for two years now. We are currently working w/ our state to adopt a child from foster care. It has been long journey but one I would not change! Thank you for your voice!
Just became a fan on facebook.
Hi Kelsey!
I am a fan and friend on Fb! :)
I have been a follower for a while now, yay!! :)
I will leave here and tweet about this.
Adoption means everything to me! I get to experience the most amazing LOVE I have ever known because of Sam's birthmomma and adoption!! I have a bigger family now that includes his birth family because of adoption. I am a mommy now because of adotion. I hope to have another child because of adoption. I have amazing new friends because of adoption :)
And last but not least my HEART grew enormously because of adoption and I will never be the same. I &heart; adoption!!!!
I'm a follower!
I'm a fan on FB!!
Adoption right now for me is a long journey for me right now, but I've found so much more than just waiting. I have friends whom I have never met, and yet I feel like I've known them forever. In learning about adoption (among all of the bitterness and pain), I have found hope, peace, love, friendship, healing, and God's Hand.
I am following your blog.
I am following your blog.
I became a fan on Facebook
Adoption made me a mommy!! Adoption healed a broken heart that my husband and I suffered with for 9 years as we waited to be parents. Without adoption I would not have an awesome 8 year old son that I would not trade for anything in the world. Adoption means to me a birthfamily that we may get to meet someday so I can say thank you for the blessing that she has shared with us.
My adoptive daughter is the light of my life, and I am so happy that we have an open adoption with her birthfamily. In fact, we just a visit with her birthmother a few weeks ago, and that was really nice! Whether I win this book or not, I'd really like to have it for my daughter -- thank you so much for writing it! jennynordstrom at mindspring dot com
Adoption to me is my daughter. We aren't able to have children of our own. We were lucky enough to be matched with Madilyn's birth mother who chose to share her heart with us. She has entrusted Madie to us and knows that we will love her and teach her to be the woman her birth mother hopes she will be one day. I am a follower of your blog and I went on FB and clicked on "Like". I love that you have written this book!! Thank you!
I am a follower. Adoption gave me my beautiful daughter. She came to me when she was 6.5yrs old, she is now 10yrs old. I'm not sure about her bio mom's circumstances, but she asks me about it and about her all the time. My guess is that she wanted her to have love and to be all that she can be. We will find her and reunite one day. Then I can share with her our wonderful child. Thank you for writing your book as we do not get the chance to experience things from the birth mom's point of view...
Because of adoption I became a mother. I think about that every mother's day and post on my Facebook page that if it wasn't for our birthmom's I would not be a mom. My 6 year old knows she grew in another mommy's tummy and has begun asking questions about her birthmother. I would love to read your book and get the birth mother's point of view. I was able to speak with both my girls birth mom's and know a little about their reasons. I would love a little more insight.
I became a fan on your facebook page.
I am now following your blog as well.
Adoption has been the best gift I have ever received. Adoption brought my husband and I our 2 sons, made us a family, introduced me to so many wonderful friends, and connected us to wonderful birthfamilies. wewant2adopt at yahoo dot com
I am a fan on facebook too!
I'm a FB fan!
I am also following your blog!
Adoption to me has been an extremely positive experience... we had our ups and downs along the way, but I wouldn't trade one day of it! Our daughter we adopted at 3 days old just turned 1 a few weeks ago - we love her so much!
Adoption to me = family ... not only are we the proud parents of two girls (ages 4 and 2) because of domestic open adoption ... our family expanded with extended birth family ... we are so blessed to have grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins embrace us as we have them to create our family! Not only do our girls know and love their birth mothers but their grandparents, etc. too and what a blessing to have sooo many people love them besides us!
Sorry, forgot to leave my email address
:) xoxo
WOW! So many showed up here to enter that I have decided that there will be TWO winners! Congratulations to Amanda (comment #16) and Meg and Ken (comment #22)! All of these comments were thrown into a hat and picked out by me...yeah, I do it the old fashioned way!
If you entered and did not win, do not fret! I do a giveaway every month so be sure to keep checking back for another chance to win!
Thank you to all who entered, I sure do appreciate you reading!
Thank you so much Kelsey!!! I cannot wait to read it to Sam!!!! YAYYYYY!!
You rock!
Thank you Kelsey!! So very excited to make this a common bedtime (or othertime) story!
You are welcome ladies, and I thank you for coming here to enter! Hope you enjoy it!!
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